Oxygine  1
2g game engine
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
oxygine Namespace Reference

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class  Actor
class  AffineTransformT
class  AnimationFrame
class  AsyncTask
class  AsyncTaskEvent
class  Atlas
class  Atlas2
class  AtlasNode
class  AutoRefHolder
class  Box9Sprite
class  Button
class  ClipRectActor
class  ClipUV
class  Clock
class  Color
class  ColorRectSprite
class  CreateResourceContext
class  CreateTextureTask
class  creator
class  DebugActor
struct  deserializedata
struct  deserializeLinkData
class  Diffuse
class  Draggable
class  EmscSyncFsEvent
class  Event
class  EventDispatcher
class  Font
struct  glyph
struct  GlyphHasher
class  HitTestData
class  HttpRequestCocoaTask
class  HttpRequestEmscriptenTask
class  HttpRequestJavaTask
class  HttpRequestTask
class  HttpRequestTaskCURL
class  IElementRenderer
class  Image
class  ImageData
class  Input
class  InputText
class  intrusive_list
class  intrusive_list_item
class  intrusive_ptr
class  IVideoDriver
class  KeyEvent
class  LoadResourcesContext
class  LocalReferenceHolder
class  MaskedRenderer
class  MaskedSprite
class  Material
class  MatrixT
class  Mem2Native
class  MTLoadingResourcesContext
class  MultiAtlas
class  Mutex
class  MutexAutoLock
class  MutexPthreadLock
class  NativeTexture
class  NativeTextureGLES
class  NativeTextureNull
class  notFound
class  OBBox
class  Object
class  ObjectBase
struct  Pixel
class  PixelA8
class  PixelA8B8G8R8
class  PixelA8L8
class  PixelA8R8G8B8
class  PixelB5G6R5
class  PixelB8G8R8A8
class  PixelL8
class  PixelR4G4B4A4
class  PixelR5G5B5A1
class  PixelR5G6B5
class  PixelR8G8B8
class  PixelR8G8B8A8
class  PixelR8G8B8X8
class  PixelX8R8G8B8
class  PointerState
class  Polygon
class  PoolObject
class  PostProcess
class  PostProcessOptions
class  PPTask
class  ProgressBar
class  Property
class  Property0
class  Property2Args
class  Property2Args1Arg
class  Property2Args2
class  RectT
class  ref_counter
class  RefHolder
class  RenderState
class  RenderTargetsManager
class  ResAnim
class  ResAtlas
class  ResAtlasGeneric
class  ResAtlasPrebuilt
class  ResBuffer
class  ResFont
class  ResFontBM
class  Resource
class  Resources
class  ResourcesLoadOptions
class  ResStarlingAtlas
class  Restorable
class  RestoreResourcesContext
class  RState
class  Serializable
struct  serializedata
class  ShaderProgram
class  ShaderProgramGL
class  SingleResAnim
class  SingleThreadResourcesContext
class  SlidingActor
class  Sprite
class  Stage
class  STDMaterial
class  STDRenderer
class  TextField
class  TextStyle
class  Texture
class  ThreadDispatcher
class  ThreadLoader
class  TouchEvent
class  Tween
class  TweenAlphaFade
class  TweenAnim
class  TweenDummy
class  TweenEvent
class  TweenGlow
class  TweenObj
class  TweenOptions
class  TweenOutline
class  TweenPostProcess
class  TweenProxy
class  TweenQueue
class  TweenT
class  UberShaderProgram
class  UberShaderProgramBase
class  UpdateState
class  VectorT2
class  VectorT3
class  VectorT4
class  VertexDeclaration
class  VertexDeclarationGL
class  VertexDeclarations
struct  vertexP2C
struct  vertexPCT2
struct  vertexPCT2T2
struct  vertexPCT2T2T2
struct  vertexPT2
class  VideoDriverGL
class  VideoDriverGLES20
class  VideoDriverNull
class  VisualStyle
class  VStyleActor
class  WebImage
class  XmlWalker


typedef int timeMS
typedef AffineTransform Transform
typedef ThreadDispatcher ThreadMessages
typedef unsigned int bvertex_format
typedef bool(* cbLoadImageFromBuffer) (Image &mt, void *data, int nSize, bool premultiplied, TextureFormat format)
typedef AffineTransformT< float > AffineTransform
typedef MatrixT< float > Matrix
typedef MatrixT< double > MatrixD
typedef RectT< PointRect
typedef RectT< Vector2RectF
typedef VectorT2< float > Vector2
typedef VectorT2< double > VectorD2
typedef VectorT2< int > Point
typedef VectorT2< short > PointS
typedef VectorT3< float > Vector3
typedef VectorT3< double > VectorD3
typedef VectorT4< float > Vector4
typedef VectorT4< double > VectorD4
typedef Image MemoryTexture
typedef intrusive_ptr< ImagespMemoryTexture
typedef Closure< void(Event *ev)> EventCallback
typedef Closure< void(const RenderState &rs)> RenderCallback
typedef Closure< void(const UpdateState &us)> UpdateCallback
typedef int cloneOptions
typedef int copyOptions
typedef int eventType
typedef unsigned int dumpOptions
typedef unsigned int glyphOptions
typedef void * nativeTextureHandle
typedef unsigned char pointer_index
typedef std::vector< AnimationFrameanimationFrames
typedef void(* load_texture_hook) (const std::string &file, spNativeTexture nt, bool linearFilter, bool clamp2edge, LoadResourcesContext *load_context)
typedef void(* render_texture_hook) (const spNativeTexture &nt)
typedef std::vector< AnimationFrameframes


enum  TextureFormat {
  TF_R8G8B8A8, TF_B8G8R8A8, TF_R8G8B8, TF_R5G5B5A1,
enum  blend_mode {
  blend_disabled = 0, blend_premultiplied_alpha = MAKE_BLEND_MODE(ONE, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), blend_alpha = MAKE_BLEND_MODE(SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), blend_add = MAKE_BLEND_MODE(ONE, ONE),
enum  VertexFormatFlags {
enum  ImageType {
enum  error_policy { ep_show_error, ep_show_warning, ep_ignore_error }
enum  MouseButton {
  MouseButton_Touch = 0, MouseButton_Left = 0, MouseButton_Middle = 1, MouseButton_Right = 2,
  MouseButton_Num = 3


 DECLARE_SMART (Actor, spActor)
spTween setTimeout (timeMS dur, const EventCallback &cb, spActor root=0)
Vector2 convert_local2stage (spActor child, const Vector2 &pos, spActor root=0)
Vector2 convert_local2stage (const Actor *child, const Vector2 &pos, const Actor *root=0)
Vector2 convert_stage2local (spActor child, const Vector2 &pos, spActor root=0)
Vector2 convert_stage2local (const Actor *child, const Vector2 &pos, const Actor *root=0)
bool testIntersection (spActor obj1, spActor obj2, spActor commonParent=0, Vector2 *contact=0)
RectF getActorTransformedDestRect (Actor *actor, const Transform &tr)
void reattachActor (spActor actor, spActor newParent, spActor root=0)
void decompose (const Transform &t, Vector2 &pos, float &angle, Vector2 &scale)
void setDecomposedTransform (spActor &a, const Transform &t)
 DECLARE_SMART (AsyncTask, spAsyncTask)
 DECLARE_SMART (Box9Sprite, spBox9Sprite)
 DECLARE_SMART (Button, spButton)
 DECLARE_SMART (ClipRectActor, spClipRectActor)
 DECLARE_SMART (Clock, spClock)
 DECLARE_SMART (ColorRectSprite, spColorRectSprite)
JNIEnv * jniGetEnv (void)
std::string jniGetString (JNIEnv *env, jstring jstr)
void jniGetStringArray (vector< std::string > &res, JNIEnv *env, jobjectArray jarray)
jobjectArray jniGetObjectStringArray (const vector< std::string > &src, JNIEnv *env)
jobject jniGetMainActivity ()
jclass jniGetMainActivityClass ()
void jniSetMainActivityClass (jclass)
int64 jniGetTimeUTCMS ()
std::string jniGetLanguage ()
std::string jniGetPackage ()
bool jniIsNetworkAvailable ()
int64 jniGetFreeSpace (const char *)
bool jniExit ()
void jniRestartApp ()
void jniMoveTaskToBack ()
void jniBrowse (const char *url)
void jniWriteBuffer2InternalStorageFile (const char *path, const char *data, size_t size)
jobject jniFindExtension (JNIEnv *env, jclass cl)
std::string jniGetProperty (const std::string &id)
 DECLARE_SMART (HttpRequestTaskCURL, spHttpRequestTaskCURL)
void emscSyncFS (bool read)
 DECLARE_SMART (NativeTextureGLES, spNativeTextureGLES)
void checkGLError ()
int getBytesPerPixel (TextureFormat tf)
const char * textureFormat2String (TextureFormat f)
TextureFormat string2TextureFormat (const char *str)
bool isCompressedFormat (TextureFormat tf)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, intrusive_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, intrusive_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator== (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, T *b)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, T *b)
template<class T >
bool operator== (T *a, intrusive_ptr< T > const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (T *a, intrusive_ptr< T > const &b)
template<class T >
T * get_pointer (intrusive_ptr< T > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > static_pointer_cast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > const_pointer_cast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > dynamic_pointer_cast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
void _sessionConfigCommonInit (NSURLSessionConfiguration *config)
NSURLSession * _getDefaultSession ()
NSURLSession * _getEphemeralSession ()
bool nsImageLoad (Image &mt, void *pData, int nDatalen, bool premultiplied, TextureFormat format)
void iosGetMemoryUsage (size_t &a)
void iosNavigate (const char *)
int64 iosGetFreeDiskspace ()
 DECLARE_SMART (Image, spImage)
 DECLARE_SMART (NativeTexture, spNativeTexture)
 DECLARE_SMART (Object, spObject)
template<class dest , class src >
dest safeCast (src ptr)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > safeSpCast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
void * fastAlloc (size_t size)
void fastFree (void *data)
timeMS getTimeMS ()
int64 getTimeUTCMS ()
bool isNetworkAvailable ()
int64 getFreeSpace (const char *fullpath=0)
std::string getLanguage ()
void sleep (timeMS)
Pixel initPixel (unsigned int rgba)
Pixel initPixel (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (ref_counter *p)
void intrusive_ptr_release (ref_counter *p)
template<class V >
void fillQuadT (V *pv, const RectF &srcRect, const RectF &destRect, const AffineTransform &transform, unsigned int rgba)
template<class V >
void fillQuadZT (V *pv, const RectF &srcRect, const RectF &destRect, float Z, unsigned int rgba)
template<class V >
void fillQuadT2 (V *pv, const RectF &srcRect, const RectF &srcRect2, const RectF &destRect, const AffineTransform &transform, unsigned int rgba)
Matrix makeViewMatrix (int w, int h, bool flipU=false)
 DECLARE_SMART (Texture, spTexture)
unsigned int nextPOT (unsigned int v)
int vertexFlags (bvertex_format vertexFormat)
int numTextureCoordinates (bvertex_format vertexFormat)
int userDataSize (bvertex_format vertexFormat)
int texCoordSize (int stage, bvertex_format vertexFormat)
unsigned int getVertexSize (bvertex_format fmt)
 DECLARE_SMART (DebugActor, spDebugActor)
Vector2 convertPosUp (Actor *src, Actor *dest, const Vector2 &pos, bool direction)
Vector2 convertPosDown (Actor *src, Actor *dest, const Vector2 &pos, bool direction)
 DECLARE_SMART (EventDispatcher, spEventDispatcher)
 DECLARE_SMART (HttpRequestTask, spHttpRequestTask)
bool getImageInfo (const void *data, size_t size, const char *name, ImageType &type, int &width, int &height)
void setJpegImageLoader (cbLoadImageFromBuffer)
void setPngImageLoader (cbLoadImageFromBuffer)
void setCustomImageLoader (cbLoadImageFromBuffer)
template<class T >
initActor (T actor)
template<class T , class A1 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class A4 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3, const A4 &arg4)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class A4 , class A5 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3, const A4 &arg4, const A5 &arg5)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class A4 , class A5 , class A6 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3, const A4 &arg4, const A5 &arg5, const A6 &arg6)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class A4 , class A5 , class A6 , class A7 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3, const A4 &arg4, const A5 &arg5, const A6 &arg6, const A7 &arg7)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class A4 , class A5 , class A6 , class A7 , class A8 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3, const A4 &arg4, const A5 &arg5, const A6 &arg6, const A7 &arg7, const A8 &arg8)
template<class T , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class A4 , class A5 , class A6 , class A7 , class A8 , class A9 >
initActor (T actor, const A1 &arg1, const A2 &arg2, const A3 &arg3, const A4 &arg4, const A5 &arg5, const A6 &arg6, const A7 &arg7, const A8 &arg8, const A9 &arg9)
 DECLARE_SMART (InputText, spInputText)
 DECLARE_SMART (MaskedSprite, spMaskedSprite)
Color lerp (const Color &a, const Color &b, float v)
template<class T >
lerp (T a, T b, float v)
 DECLARE_SMART (DragHandler, spDragHandler)
 DECLARE_SMART (Polygon, spPolygon)
 DECLARE_SMART (ProgressBar, spProgressBar)
 DECLARE_SMART (RenderTexture, spRenderTexture)
 DECLARE_SMART (ResAnim, spResAnim)
 DECLARE_SMART (ResBuffer, spResBuffer)
 DECLARE_SMART (ResFont, spResFont)
 DECLARE_SMART (Resource, spResource)
 DECLARE_SMART (STDMaterial, spSTDMaterial)
 DECLARE_SMART (SlidingActor, spSlidingActor)
 DECLARE_SMART (Sprite, spSprite)
 DECLARE_SMART (Stage, spStage)
 DECLARE_SMART (TextField, spTextField)
 DECLARE_SMART (ThreadLoader, spThreadLoader)
 DECLARE_SMART (Tween, spTween)
 DECLARE_SMART (TweenQueue, spTweenQueue)
 DECLARE_SMART (WebImage, spWebImage)
void handleErrorPolicy (error_policy ep, const char *format,...)
 DECLARE_SMART (TweenPostProcess, spTweenPostProcess)
void pass (spNativeTexture srcTexture, const Rect &srcRect, spNativeTexture destTexture, const Rect &destRect, const Color &color=Color::White)
RenderTargetsManagergetRTManager ()
void updatePortProcessItems ()
bool isRenderingPostProcessItems ()
void addPostProcessItem (PPTask *)
void removePostProcessItem (PPTask *)
void clearPostProcessItems ()
void set_load_texture_hook (load_texture_hook)
void load_texture_internal (const std::string &file, spNativeTexture nt, bool linearFilter, bool clamp2edge, LoadResourcesContext *load_context)
void setAttrV2 (pugi::xml_node node, const char *name, const Vector2 &v, const Vector2 &def)
template<class T >
void setAttr (pugi::xml_node node, const char *name, T v, T def)
const spStage & getStage ()
void set_render_texture_hook (render_texture_hook)
render_texture_hook get_render_texture_hook ()
std::string dumpStyle (const TextStyle &s, bool onlydiff)
template<typename GS >
TweenT< GS > * createTween (const GS &gs, timeMS duration, int loops=1, bool twoSides=false, timeMS delay=0, Tween::EASE ease=Tween::ease_linear)
template<typename GS >
TweenT< GS > * createTween2 (const GS &gs, const TweenOptions &opt)
std::string ease2String (Tween::EASE ease)
 DECLARE_SMART (TweenObj, spTweenObj)
void saveImage (const ImageData &im, const char *path, const char *format="tga")
 DECLARE_SMART (VStyleActor, spVStyleActor)


int _httpRequestTaskInitialized = 0
HttpRequests_cls = nil
NSURLSession * __defaultSession = nil
NSURLSession * __ephemeralSession = nil
const unsigned char lookupTable4to8 [] = {0, 17, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170, 187, 204, 221, 238, 255}
const unsigned char lookupTable5to8 [] = {0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 41, 49, 57, 65, 74, 82, 90, 98, 106, 115, 123, 131, 139, 148, 156, 164, 172, 180, 189, 197, 205, 213, 222, 230, 238, 246, 255}
const unsigned char lookupTable6to8 [] = {0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 85, 89, 93, 97, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 129, 133, 137, 141, 145, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 170, 174, 178, 182, 186, 190, 194, 198, 202, 206, 210, 214, 218, 222, 226, 230, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250, 255}
const int MAX_TOUCHES = 17
const int cloneOptionsDoNotCloneClildren = 0x01
const int cloneOptionsResetTransform = 0x02
const int TWEEN_COMPLETE_DT = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2

Detailed Description


main oxygine namespace

Function Documentation

◆ emscSyncFS()

void oxygine::emscSyncFS ( bool  read)

will dispatch EmscSyncFsEvent to core::dispatcher

◆ getLanguage()

std::string oxygine::getLanguage ( )

returns locale. ISO 639-1

◆ getTimeMS()

timeMS oxygine::getTimeMS ( )

returns local app time in milliseconds (1sec = 1000ms). Counting starts from zero

◆ getTimeUTCMS()

int64 oxygine::getTimeUTCMS ( )

returns UTC time in milliseconds

◆ isNetworkAvailable()

bool oxygine::isNetworkAvailable ( )

is any network connection available?

◆ jniGetLanguage()

std::string oxygine::jniGetLanguage ( )

returns locale. ISO 639-1

◆ jniGetTimeUTCMS()

int64 oxygine::jniGetTimeUTCMS ( )

returns UTC time in MS

◆ makeViewMatrix()

Matrix oxygine::makeViewMatrix ( int  w,
int  h,
bool  flipU = false 

Returns View matrix where Left Top corner is (0,0), and right bottom is (w,h)

◆ reattachActor()

void oxygine::reattachActor ( spActor  actor,
spActor  newParent,
spActor  root = 0 

changes actor parent but with the same position on the screen

◆ saveImage()

void oxygine::saveImage ( const ImageData im,
const char *  path,
const char *  format = "tga" 

supported formats = "tga"

◆ sleep()

void oxygine::sleep ( timeMS  )

sleep for milliseconds