Oxygine  1
2g game engine
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
oxygine::Color Class Reference

Public Types

enum  {
  Zero = 0x00000000, AliceBlue = 0xF0F8FFFF, AntiqueWhite = 0xFAEBD7FF, Aqua = 0x00FFFFFF,
  Aquamarine = 0x7FFFD4FF, Azure = 0xF0FFFFFF, Beige = 0xF5F5DCFF, Bisque = 0xFFE4C4FF,
  Black = 0x000000FF, BlanchedAlmond = 0xFFEBCDFF, Blue = 0x0000FFFF, BlueViolet = 0x8A2BE2FF,
  Brown = 0xA52A2AFF, BurlyWood = 0xDEB887FF, CadetBlue = 0x5F9EA0FF, Chartreuse = 0x7FFF00FF,
  Chocolate = 0xD2691EFF, Coral = 0xFF7F50FF, CornflowerBlue = 0x6495EDFF, Cornsilk = 0xFFF8DCFF,
  Crimson = 0xDC143CFF, Cyan = 0x00FFFFFF, DarkBlue = 0x00008BFF, DarkCyan = 0x008B8BFF,
  DarkGoldenrod = 0xB8860BFF, DarkGray = 0xA9A9A9FF, DarkGreen = 0x006400FF, DarkKhaki = 0xBDB76BFF,
  DarkMagenta = 0x8B008BFF, DarkOliveGreen = 0x556B2FFF, DarkOrange = 0xFF8C00FF, DarkOrchid = 0x9932CCFF,
  DarkRed = 0x8B0000FF, DarkSalmon = 0xE9967AFF, DarkSeaGreen = 0x8FBC8BFF, DarkSlateBlue = 0x483D8BFF,
  DarkSlateGray = 0x2F4F4FFF, DarkTurquoise = 0x00CED1FF, DarkViolet = 0x9400D3FF, DeepPink = 0xFF1493FF,
  DeepSkyBlue = 0x00BFFFFF, DimGray = 0x696969FF, DodgerBlue = 0x1E90FFFF, Firebrick = 0xB22222FF,
  FloralWhite = 0xFFFAF0FF, ForestGreen = 0x228B22FF, Fuchsia = 0xFF00FFFF, Gainsboro = 0xDCDCDCFF,
  GhostWhite = 0xF8F8FFFF, Gold = 0xFFD700FF, Goldenrod = 0xDAA520FF, Gray = 0x808080FF,
  Green = 0x008000FF, GreenYellow = 0xADFF2FFF, Honeydew = 0xF0FFF0FF, HotPink = 0xFF69B4FF,
  IndianRed = 0xCD5C5CFF, Indigo = 0x4B0082FF, Ivory = 0xFFFFF0FF, Khaki = 0xF0E68CFF,
  Lavender = 0xE6E6FAFF, LavenderBlush = 0xFFF0F5FF, LawnGreen = 0x7CFC00FF, LemonChiffon = 0xFFFACDFF,
  LightBlue = 0xADD8E6FF, LightCoral = 0xF08080FF, LightCyan = 0xE0FFFFFF, LightGoldenrodYellow = 0xFAFAD2FF,
  LightGray = 0xD3D3D3FF, LightGreen = 0x90EE90FF, LightPink = 0xFFB6C1FF, LightSalmon = 0xFFA07AFF,
  LightSeaGreen = 0x20B2AAFF, LightSkyBlue = 0x87CEFAFF, LightSlateGray = 0x778899FF, LightSteelBlue = 0xB0C4DEFF,
  LightYellow = 0xFFFFE0FF, Lime = 0x00FF00FF, LimeGreen = 0x32CD32FF, Linen = 0xFAF0E6FF,
  Magenta = 0xFF00FFFF, Maroon = 0x800000FF, MediumAquamarine = 0x66CDAAFF, MediumBlue = 0x0000CDFF,
  MediumOrchid = 0xBA55D3FF, MediumPurple = 0x9370DBFF, MediumSeaGreen = 0x3CB371FF, MediumSlateBlue = 0x7B68EEFF,
  MediumSpringGreen = 0x00FA9AFF, MediumTurquoise = 0x48D1CCFF, MediumVioletRed = 0xC71585FF, MidnightBlue = 0x191970FF,
  MintCream = 0xF5FFFAFF, MistyRose = 0xFFE4E1FF, Moccasin = 0xFFE4B5FF, NavajoWhite = 0xFFDEADFF,
  Navy = 0x000080FF, OldLace = 0xFDF5E6FF, Olive = 0x808000FF, OliveDrab = 0x6B8E23FF,
  Orange = 0xFFA500FF, OrangeRed = 0xFF4500FF, Orchid = 0xDA70D6FF, PaleGoldenrod = 0xEEE8AAFF,
  PaleGreen = 0x98FB98FF, PaleTurquoise = 0xAFEEEEFF, PaleVioletRed = 0xDB7093FF, PapayaWhip = 0xFFEFD5FF,
  PeachPuff = 0xFFDAB9FF, Peru = 0xCD853FFF, Pink = 0xFFC0CBFF, Plum = 0xDDA0DDFF,
  PowderBlue = 0xB0E0E6FF, Purple = 0x800080FF, Red = 0xFF0000FF, RosyBrown = 0xBC8F8FFF,
  RoyalBlue = 0x4169E1FF, SaddleBrown = 0x8B4513FF, Salmon = 0xFA8072FF, SandyBrown = 0xF4A460FF,
  SeaGreen = 0x2E8B57FF, SeaShell = 0xFFF5EEFF, Sienna = 0xA0522DFF, Silver = 0xC0C0C0FF,
  SkyBlue = 0x87CEEBFF, SlateBlue = 0x6A5ACDFF, SlateGray = 0x708090FF, Snow = 0xFFFAFAFF,
  SpringGreen = 0x00FF7FFF, SteelBlue = 0x4682B4FF, Tan = 0xD2B48CFF, Teal = 0x008080FF,
  Thistle = 0xD8BFD8FF, Tomato = 0xFF6347FF, Turquoise = 0x40E0D0FF, Violet = 0xEE82EEFF,
  Wheat = 0xF5DEB3FF, White = 0xFFFFFFFF, WhiteSmoke = 0xF5F5F5FF, Yellow = 0xFFFF00FF,
  YellowGreen = 0x9ACD32FF

Public Member Functions

 Color (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)
 Color (unsigned int abgr)
 Color (unsigned int abgr, unsigned char a_)
unsigned char operator[] (int i) const
unsigned int rgba () const
float getRedF () const
float getGreenF () const
float getBlueF () const
float getAlphaF () const
Vector4 toVector () const
Color operator+ (const Color &c) const
Color operator- (const Color &c) const
Color operator* (const Color &c) const
Color premultiplied () const
Color withAlpha (unsigned char alpha) const
bool operator== (const Color &color) const
bool operator!= (const Color &color) const

Static Public Member Functions

static Color fromRGBA (unsigned int rgba)
static Color lerp (const Color &a, const Color &b, float v)

Public Attributes

union {
   struct {
      unsigned char   a
      unsigned char   r
      unsigned char   g
      unsigned char   b
   unsigned int   argb
   unsigned char   colors [4]

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

ABGR(LE) colors table

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Color() [1/2]

oxygine::Color::Color ( unsigned int  abgr)

use it to initialize color from table (ABGR)

◆ Color() [2/2]

oxygine::Color::Color ( unsigned int  abgr,
unsigned char  a_ 

initializes color by RGBA and replaces alpha

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