Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ oxygine | |
▼ src | |
▶ core | |
▶ android | |
HttpRequestJavaTask.h | |
jniHelper.h | |
jniUtils.h | |
▶ curl | |
HttpRequestCurlTask.h | |
▶ emscripten | |
emsc.h | |
HttpRequestEmscriptenTask.h | |
▶ gl | |
NativeTextureGLES.h | |
oxgl.h | |
ShaderProgramGL.h | |
VertexDeclarationGL.h | |
VideoDriverGL.h | |
VideoDriverGLES20.h | |
▶ ios | |
HttpRequestCocoaTask.h | |
ios.h | |
▶ s3e | |
HttpRequestTaskS3E.h | |
MyHttp.h | |
file.h | |
FileSystem.h | |
ImageData.h | |
ImageDataOperations.h | |
intrusive_ptr.h | |
log.h | |
Mem2Native.h | |
Mutex.h | |
NativeTexture.h | |
Object.h | |
ox_debug.h | |
oxygine.h | |
pixel.h | |
ref_counter.h | |
Renderer.h | |
Restorable.h | |
ShaderProgram.h | |
STDFileSystem.h | |
system_data.h | |
Texture.h | |
ThreadDispatcher.h | |
ThreadMessages.h | |
UberShaderProgram.h | |
vertex.h | |
VertexDeclaration.h | |
VideoDriver.h | |
ZipFileSystem.h | |
▶ json | |
json-forwards.h | |
json.h | |
▶ math | |
AffineTransform.h | |
Color.h | |
Matrix.h | |
OBBox.h | |
Rect.h | |
ScalarMath.h | |
Vector2.h | |
Vector3.h | |
Vector4.h | |
▶ res | |
CreateResourceContext.h | |
ResAnim.h | |
ResAtlas.h | |
ResAtlasGeneric.h | |
ResAtlasPrebuilt.h | |
ResBuffer.h | |
ResFont.h | |
ResFontBM.h | |
Resource.h | |
Resources.h | |
ResStarlingAtlas.h | |
SingleResAnim.h | |
▶ utils | |
AtlasTool.h | |
cdecode.h | |
ImageUtils.h | |
intrusive_list.h | |
stringUtils.h | |
Actor.h | |
AnimationFrame.h | |
AsyncTask.h | |
Box9Sprite.h | |
Button.h | |
ClipRectActor.h | |
Clock.h | |
ColorRectSprite.h | |
DebugActor.h | |
Draggable.h | |
Event.h | |
EventDispatcher.h | |
Font.h | |
HttpRequestTask.h | |
Image.h | |
initActor.h | |
Input.h | |
InputText.h | |
key.h | |
KeyEvent.h | |
MaskedRenderer.h | |
MaskedSprite.h | |
Material.h | |
MemoryTexture.h | |
oxygine-forwards.h | |
oxygine-framework.h | |
oxygine-include.h | |
oxygine_include.h | |
PointerState.h | |
Polygon.h | |
PostProcess.h | |
ProgressBar.h | |
Property.h | |
RenderState.h | |
Serializable.h | |
Serialize.h | |
SlidingActor.h | |
Sprite.h | |
Stage.h | |
STDMaterial.h | |
STDRenderer.h | |
TextField.h | |
TextStyle.h | |
ThreadLoader.h | |
TouchEvent.h | |
Tween.h | |
TweenAlphaFade.h | |
TweenAnim.h | |
TweenGlow.h | |
TweenOutline.h | |
TweenQueue.h | |
UpdateState.h | |
VisualStyle.h | |
WebImage.h | |